Tuesday, October 25, 2022

VA Vows to house 38,000 Veterans

Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough established new goals in VA’s efforts to prevent and end homelessness among Veterans.

During his visit Feb. 25 McDonough participated in the local Point-in-Time Count and announced the following action being taken in the Greater Los Angeles (GLA) area:

Placing at least 1,500 Veterans experiencing homelessness into permanent housing, which would represent a greater than 10% increase in permanent housing placements since calendar year 2021.

Increasing the percentage of Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing vouchers under lease to at least 75%, which would represent the highest voucher utilization rate since 2018.

Increasing to 50% the percentage of Veterans admitted to HUD-VASH who are housed within 90 days.

Reaching these goals in calendar year 2022 would mark GLA’s best outcomes helping Veterans exit homelessness and remain in stable housing in several years and would represent a clear and substantial improvement on Veteran homelessness locally.

“The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and our partners have a shared belief that all Veterans deserve a place to call home,” said the authority’s Executive Director Heidi Marston. “We are eager to support VA in its effort to provide permanent and stable homes for 1,500 Veterans.”

Read more, here.

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